Promo Till nästa Avsnitt 3.19 - Heart of Darkness

Se på avsnitt 3.18

Julie Plecs Preview of The Murder of One

Officiell Synopsis för "Heart of Darkness" 3x19

TYLER RETURNS TO MYSTIC FALLS — Elena (Nina Dobrev) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) set off together to make sure Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) is safe in Denver, and to see if his special abilities can help reveal the information they need about ancient vampire bloodlines. It doesn’t take them long to learn that Jeremy has been hanging with the wrong people.
Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Klaus (Joseph Morgan) both go to brutal extremes in their search for the missing weapon. Caroline (Candice Accola) is thrilled when Tyler (Michael Trevino) returns to town, but Tyler soon suspects that something has been going on between Caroline and Klaus.
Matt (Zach Roerig) has his hands full trying to keep Rebecca (Claire Holt) busy organizing the school’s upcoming 1920s Decade Dance. Chris Grismer directed the episode written by Brian Young and Evan Bleiweiss (#319).
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Put Your Graffiti on Me
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Nya Spoilers

Candice Accola teased Caroline’s upcoming reaction to Alaric being the serial killer.
“We won’t see it right now, because she’s still gone with Bonnie and Abby, but in upcoming episodes Caroline will learn that it was Alric. They will have words. Like, ‘Hey, remember that time you murdered my father? This is awkward now.’” She goes on to tease the mythology behind the Gilbert rings, “It really opens up the history behind the ring. If we’ve got this ring that brings people back to life, there’s got to be consequences. I love that the show has followed through on the fact that with every bit of magic, there’s a consequence.
TVD fans will get one more new episode, “The Murder Of One”, after tonight before The Vampire Diaries will be taking a brief 2-week hiatus to prepare for it’s Spring end of season run. TVD will start their push into May with the tentatively set April 19th episode, “Heart of Darkness”. “Heart of Darkness” will bring our favorite love triangle to a serious head and it will “blow wide open”. Executive Producer Julie Plec spoils that there will be more kissing for all our players in the final episodes; more than all the episodes of Season 3 combined! If that wasn’t enough spoilery goodness for you, Tyler will also return to Mystic Falls in “Heart of Darkness”. He’ll be bringing the sexy back for himself and Caroline with an intensely hot scene between the two.

Ian på Genesis Awards

Promo till 3.18- The murder of one

Se på avsnitt 3.17

Julie Plec Previews Episode ‘Break On Through’


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Paul Wesley pratar om Stefan och Elena
E!Online chatted with Paul Wesley about what’s ahead for Stefan and Elena, including a “heartbreaking” conversation, and the return of Stefan from seasons past. Plus, will Stefan be getting a new love interest in the love triangle swings in Damon’s (Ian Somerhalder) favor?
In last night’s episode, viewers saw Stefan begin his battle with moderation, with Damon leading the human blood drinking-train. “[Damon] tries to become that sort of mentor in a way in getting Stefan off the path of extremity and teaching him moderation,” Wesley teases. “It all kind of comes to a head and it doesn’t work out too well.”
Though Stefan will not have an easy time with it, Wesley says the process will lead him back to Elena. “The more he deals with moderation, the closer he grows to Elena. He was so involved in his own darkness, he didn’t have any time for romance. As the episodes progress, the audience is going to see Stefan maybe becoming more like he was season one and two, sort of the romantic lead hero.”
Still, Wesley stresses that Stefan will always have that dark side ready to consume him at any moment. “What’s really important is to make sure that Stefan always has a flaw and that he always has that potential darkness because I think the minute we make Stefan the same Stefan as season one, it becomes a little predictable."
Ett nytt klipp på "Break on through" 3.17

Promo 3.17

Se på avsnitt 3.16 - 1912
Grattis Daniel!

Ny promo för The Vampire Diaries 16.3

Vampire Diaries På The Paley Party: Bilder och Video

Nytt klipp till 3.16
Nytt klipp till 3.16 "1912"

Stills för avsnitt 3.18
Ny promobild på Nina/Elena!

Johannas story!
Jag började kolla på The Vampire Diaries när jag gick i 6:an, då var jag alltså 12 år. Jag började kolla för att en i stallet där jag rider pratade om det, jag var då ett STORT Twilight fan och ville kolla för att se om det var bättre än Twilight. Jag minns så väl att jag tyckte att det var superläskigt med kråkan, när Elena var på kyrkogården osv. Det tog nog ungefär halva säsongen innan den där rädslan släppte. TVD har verkligen hjälp mig att våga titta på lite läskigare filmer/TV-serier.
Jag och Nathalie började kolla på Vampire Diaries samtidigt, efter hand blev vi mer och mer beroende och beslutade oss för att starta en Fansite om serien. Ibörjan var det nog inte riktigt en Fansite eftersom vi aldrig haft en sådan här blogg. Men nu efterhand har vi lärt oss att ta hand om bloggen. Den 21 juni 2012 har vi haft bloggen i 2 år utan uppehåll inom bloggandet. Det är vi sjukt glada över, dock har vi under och efter jullovet förlorat ca hälften av alla våra läsare. Jag förstår det men hoppas nu att de vill komma tillbaks och läsa bloggen igen.
Jag kan erkänna att jag inte alltid känner mig motiverad till att blogga, det är därför min uppdatering har varit kass nu på slutet. Jag känner mig så dum eftersom ni läsare betyder så oerhört mycker för mig. Min största önskan här på bloggen är att få er tillbaks. Ni som fortfarande läser bloggen även om vi inte uppdaterat som vi borde, ni är bäst!
Förut var bloggen inriktad på både Svensk och Amerikansk takt, nu inriktas bloggen mest i Amerikansk takt. Men om ni har frågor om TVD i Svensk taks svarar vi självklart!
Har ni frågor, funderingar osv. kommentera, skrib på bloggresponse eller maila på [email protected]

Spoilers Om Jeremy!

shaneo693061: Vampire Diaries scoop? Preferably concerning the return go Jeremy aka Mystic Falls' hottest little brother?
Well, Julie Plec has confirmed that we will see Steven R. McQueen on the show before season's end, so yay! Plus, do you remember how Jeremy was known to dabble with drugs in the beginning of the series, as a way to cope with his parents' death? Well, in the highly anticipated flashback we told you about yesterday, it turns out Jer was partaking in some recreational activities unfit to go on his college apps that his parents were well aware of.

Mer Spoilers om Säsong 3
I have some very exciting Vampire Diaries spoilers to share that lead right into the ‘core shocking’ season 3 finale of the CW hit! These bloody good TVD bites are filled with spoilers, so enjoy TVD Family and sound off with your thoughts, speculations and theories !!
At least part of the Original family will be sitting pretty in Mystic Falls for awhile when Klaus’ feelings for Caroline intensify. Klaus will make his intentions more known in the very near future and fans can expect to see a huge hybrid conflict between Tyler and Klaus.
The arrival of Damon’s old friend Sage will discoverthe location of the White Oak tree that can kill the Original family. With Damon spending all his time with Sage and Rebekah, Elena will be more than jealous. However, Delena fans can relax because Damon will be escorting Elena to the annual Decade Dance; with a 1920′s theme this time.
Unfortunately we won’t be seeing Katherine anytime soon, but more of our Salvatore brothers’ time apart will be revealed through The Vampire Diaries return episode, “1912″.
In present day Mystic Falls Meredith will be cleared of any suspicion concerning the mysterious serial murders and the real killer will completely surprise you.
Lastly, in a direct quote, the TVD finale script is one that will ‘shock’ fans to their core as Elena will ‘definitely make a choice’, one that will impact the rest of the series.

Vi kommer äntligen att få träffa Elenas Adopterad föräldrar!

now and I need my fix.

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Fanvideo till Ian!

Fanvideo till Joseph!

Bilder till avsnitt 3.17 ‘Break on Through’

Titlar till de kommande avsnitt och Officiell Synopsis för 3.17
FAMILY HISTORIES — A century after their first encounter, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Sage (guest star Cassidy Freeman) meet again at the ceremony to kick-off the restoration of Wickery Bridge. Damon is surprised to learn the reason Sage has returned, and pleased when she devises an unusual method to help him figure out what Rebekah (guest star Claire Holt) is up to. Abby (guest star Persia White) is having a hard time adjusting to her new reality, despite Bonnie (Kat Graham) and Caroline’s (Candice Accola) efforts to help. When Damon informs Elena (Nina Dobrev) of Stefan’s (Paul Wesley) latest struggles, she reaches out to Stefan to help her save a friend in danger, in hopes that it will help bring Stefan even closer to his humanity. Finally, when Damon discovers a new secret weapon, he lets Stefan in on the news.

Joseph Morgan på MTV's top 10!