Vi kommer äntligen att få träffa Elenas Adopterad föräldrar!
Datum: 2012-03-07 Tid: 15:10:34 Kategori: Spoilers, serien
E!online har gett oss några spoiler om föräldrarna som adopterade Elena! !SPOIRLER!

Greggieyeah: The Vampire Diaries scoop please! The hiatus is killing me right about now and I need my fix.
now and I need my fix.
now and I need my fix.
We are going to meet Elena's parents! Well, more specifically, her adoptive parents (and Jeremy's birth parents): Grayson and Miranda Gilbert. And we can only assume it is for a flashback. As you may recall, Elena's real father, John (David Anders), took his girlfriend Isobel to brother Grayson (a doctor) to help her deliver a baby, which was Elena, and whom Miranda and Grayson promptly adopted. So far we've only seen them in photos but TVD is currently casting actors who are willing to take scuba lessons for an underwater scene. Now, you remember what ghastly thing happened underwater to Elena and her parents, right? And how Stefan saved Elena's life? Sure sounds like the genesis of some kind of Stefan and Elena rekindling if you ask us! Or, you know, they're going to flash back to the Gilbert family practicing their synchronized-swim act, which would be even more awesome. We shall see.

Vad tycker ni? Längtar ni?
