Ny Photoshoot med Joseph Morgan

Bringing Out The Dead kanadensiska Promo 3.13

Klaus twittrar!

Mer bilder till "Dangerous liaisons" - 3.14

Officiell Synopsis för "all my children" 3.15! (Spoiler)

Nytt Klipp till 3.13 - Bringing out the daed

Dagens Bild

Grattis Micheal!

Bilder Till Bringing Out The Dead - 3.13

Nina På Omslaget Av Nylon Magazine - februari nummer!

Sneak Peek för Nylon Magazine

Promo till "Bringing Out the Dead" - 3.13

Se på avsnitt 3.12 - The Ties That Bind

Ny promo bild på Nina Dobrev
Officiell Synopsis för "Dangerous liaisons 3.14

nytt klipp till 3x12

Nya Spoilers om Stefan/Damon/Elena och Stefan/Caroline !SPOILER!
Thanks to E!Online and VDO we have a couple of new TVD spoilers for you!!!
Moosewithagoose: Could you ask around about possible Stefan/Caroline scenes on TVD? Would be much appreciated, thank you!
Been there, done that! We chatted with Candice Accola who tells us she’s a “big fan” of scenes between the two, but says “as of right now there hasn’t been a lot of interaction” between Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Caroline. Boo! Hiss! As for a romance between the two, Accola says it seems unlikely. “I think that would be extremely complicated,” she tells us. “I can’t really picture that in reality as being something that would happen anytime soon, if ever.”
occamsrazor0: something about the Original family, por favor!
As most Vampire Diaries fans know, we’ll be introduced to two new brothers soon and here’s what Joseph Morgan could tell us when we caught up with him. “I have a very different relationship with Kol than I do with Finn. When you get the whole family together, it’s really charged.” The whole family? Things that make you go hmmm… When we poised the idea of an Originals spinoff to our favorite hybrid, he tells us he’s pulling for it “unashamedly.”
Jessica: When is Stefan going to find out about that kiss between Elena (Nina Dobrev) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder)?
Very soon. As in, this week soon!
Margie: Dying for Klaus and Caroline scoop!
Nothing between them in the next episode. Sad trombone! Klaus will have his hands full trying to get the coffins back. But there is a great storyline involving Tyler. Also, Bonnie’s Mom and Caroline’s dad both show up in the next episode. One to help their child, one not.


Ny rollfigur!
Mer om Sage får vi veta när avsnitt 16 kommer ut alltså, om inte vi får reda på mer information!

2 nya miniklip!
Små bitar ifån nästa veckas avsnitt!
En något längre promo i bättre kvalité!

Joseph Morgan pratar om Vampire Diaries

Dagens Bild



Kvällens avsnitt ( sverige) 3.08 "Ordanary People"

Promo till "The Ties That Bind" 3.12

Vampire Diaries 3.11 Our " Town "

Videos från PCA 2012

Bilder från People's Choice Awards 2012
Ny promo bild

Vila i Frid!
Rest In Peace Jelly! <3

Grattis Nina!

Grattis Nina!

Ett nytt klipp på "Our Town" 3.11

Svar på kommentarer!
are ian somehlade and nina dobrev in love?
är ian somehalde och nina dobrev i hop?
oj feeel visste inte om man kunde skriva på svenska och dem sa att man kunde skriva fråga eller nåt så jag gorde det vill veta om dem ä'r vänner på ricktigt typ hihi ses
are you friends in irl?
PS im from sweden and i dont cant eglish so good hihi
SVAR: Om du menar mig & Johanna, ja vi är vänner på riktigt vi är t.o.m Bästavänner fast vi bor 1,30 timme ifrån varandra. ;) vi har kvar bloggen för att ha lättare kontakt
Kvällens avsnitt ( sverige) 3.07 "Ghost World"

Promo för 3.11 " Our Town"

Vampire Diaries "The New Deal" 3.10

Hej Ina!
Vampire Diaries handlar om Elena som träffar vampyrbröderna Stefa och Damon. Stefan vägrar dricka människoblod och dricker därför djurblod. Han är svagare och har inte samma möjligheter som andra vampyrer har. Hans bror Damon driker människoblod och bryr sig inte vem han dödar för att få i sig blod.
Elena blir kär i Stefan och Stefan blir kär i henne, men problemet är att Damon också är kär i Elena. En dag när Elena är hemma hos Stefan hittar hon en bild som det står Katharine på, det ser precis ut som henne själv och hon lite rädd. Hon har en dubbelgångare som Stefan och Damon har varit tillsammans med tidigare visar det sig!
I säsong två vill "The Originals" få tag på Elena för att hon är dubbelgångaren. Hon är en del av en förtrollning på den starkaste av "The Originals", Klaus. Om förtrollningen bryts måste dubbelgångaren dö!
Nu i säsong tre har förtrollningen brytis och vi får se vad som händer!
Jag vill dock inte skriva sluten på säsongerna som har kommit ut! Men om du Ina tycker om Tha Vampire Diarie s tycker jag verkligen att du ska se ifrån avsnitt 1! Det är mycket lättare att hänga med och du kommer nog tycka att det är roligare att kolla.
Just nu är det REA på Tha Vampire Diaries på CDON.com om någon är intresserad, annars kan ni titta på de här sidorna! http://www.cucirca.com/ http://www.watchfreemovies.ch/ http://ch131.com/
Hoppas du är nöjd med ditt svar

Thanks to Ask Ausiello We a have whole wack load of spoilers for you!!
Question: I want some Vampire Diaries scoop! –Philip
Ausiello: Things get very heated between Damon, Stefan and Elena when the series returns on Thursday. Look for all three to have dramatic confrontations with each other — and one of the showdowns even ends with a slap. Elsewhere, keep a close eye on Alaric’s new love interest, Dr. Fell (played by Paul Wesley’s real-life wife/Tree Hill alum Torrey DeVitto). Something tells us this is one character that’s going to be a lot more important than first thought.
Question: Please tell me there’s some Caroline and Stefan scenes coming up on Vampire Diaries! I really miss their friendship! —Amy
Ausiello: Sadly, there’s nothing in this Thursday’s episode. Stefan’s a bit preoccupied with hiding coffins from Klaus. But I have to imagine he’ll find some time in his hectic schedule to wish Caroline a happy birthday next week.
Question: Scoop on Vampire Diaries’ Bonnie, please! Any details about the reunion with her mother? —Alta
Ausiello: It’s not going to be “all Hallmark cards and cookies,” warns executive producer Julie Plec. “There’s a lot of tension there. There’s [also a] surprising explanation about why [her] mother felt like she needed to walk away and never come back to Mystic Falls.” Plec adds that Bonnie’s backstory will “play an interesting role in solving a present-day mythology puzzle.”
Question: Joseph Morgan recently mentioned that he’d like to see Klaus have a love interest on Vampire Diaries. Is this happening anytime soon? —Amy
Ausiello: Morgan is getting his wish! While Plec wouldn’t tell us if the lucky (or maybe not so lucky?) lady is someone we’ve met before, she did confirm “someone will catch Klaus’ eye very soon.” Hit the comments with your best guesses!
Spoiler TV Had this spoiler for us:
Teaser #1: Someone leaves Mystic Falls.
Forever? I doubt it, but the set up makes perfect sense and doesn’t really leave a door open for this individual to return. Yes, it’s a key character and, yes, tears are shed during his/her goodbye.
Teaser #2: A major secret will be revealed.
By whom? To whom? You’ll need to tune in and find out. But I can say that it changes one character’s outlook and plays a role in the final scene of the episode.
Zap2It Has these tasty TVD Spoilers for us:
1. Klaus (Joseph Morgan) has a domestic side. We’re almost nervous to admit it, but our big bad wolf has become one of the most complex characters on television right now. The way that his vulnerability and villainy tangle up together is fascinating to watch. With his father out of the picture, Klaus has big plans to reunite his remaining family members — complete with a dream house in the town where they last loved each other as humans. It’s poetic, really.
2. Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) spirals out of control. We’re talking old school Jeremy, minus the nail polish. He’s flunking out of school, he got fired from his job… and things go from bad to worse when he starts hanging out with Tyler (Michael Trevino) again. Elena (Nina Dobrev) tries to intervene, but when she sees Jeremy in a gruesome confrontation with a hybrid, it becomes pretty clear that he’s on the verge of losing any chance at happiness.
3. The romantic tension between Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Elena gets even more epic. The connection between them now runs deeper than the whole lusty, let’s-stand-a-little-too-close-together-and-stare-at-each-other’s-mouths thing that they’ve been doing for the last two years. While their loyalty to Stefan (Paul Wesley) may be threadbare at this point, it is there — particularly once Damon learns that Stefan only saved Klaus to spare Damon. Delena has a dilemma, y’all! Before the hour is over, one of them is going to make a major decision that has to do with their relationship and their relationship with Stefan.
4. A little clarity. We’ll find out much more about siring and what it means to Tyler that Klaus is his sire — he’ll even explain the key differences between compulsion and siring. (Sort of. Let’s just say the line is a little blurry.) Tyler’s loyalty is tested several times in the episode… and as far as Elena and Alaric (Matt Davis) are concerned, he definitely fails some of the tests. We’re not sure this bodes well for his relationship with Caroline (Candice Accola), who isn’t in this episode.
5. Say goodbye. One of our favorite characters is saying goodbye to Mystic Falls — possibly forever, in a scene that totally made us cry, and is making us cry again right now, just writing about it. (We know there are rumors out there that Damon does something unpleasant to force the character out of town — this isn’t the case, Damon fans. Your boy is a true gentleman in this episode.)

Nya promo bilder på Stefan, Elena, Damon & Klaus

Ny promo för "The New Deal" 3.10

Paul pratar om Stefans roll och hans gamla roller i andra filmer/tv-serier

Assignment X gets a chance to talk exclusively with the hot sexy Paul Wesley about how he feels about the change in his character Stefan and past roles. Paul is such a great guy, he gives really good interviews and really opens up about how he really feels and how he don’t like doing “wire work” can’t much blame him on that one!!!
ASSIGNMENT X: Were you looking forward to playing Stefan as an absolute badass this season?
PAUL WESLEY: Yeah, more than anything else. I want to play a variety of different characters in my life, and I didn’t want to be stereotyped, so it’s a great opportunity for me to do something different.
Paul Wesley at the TEEN CHOICE 2011 Awards | ©2011 Sue Schneider
AX: Were you just hoping that character development was going to come along, did you know that was coming, or was that a big surprise?
WESLEY: No. I told [series producers] Julie [Plec] and Kevin [Williamson], “Look, I’d really love to do something,” and they said, “Great,” and they agreed. We don’t want anything to be redundant – we want to keep it fresh for the viewers.
AX: You’ve played some other horror/sci-fi/fantasy characters prior to Stefan …
WESLEY: I played Lucas Luthor on SMALLVILLE. I did a [werewolf] show called WOLF LAKE [on CBS]. And then I did a pilot for the WB that didn’t get picked up.
AX: Stefan is a big change from your last series regular, Aaron on FALLEN. When you did the telefilm version of that, did you think it was going to go to series?
WESLEY: When I shot the pilot, I knew it was a two-hour movie regardless. I knew that it was going to air. I knew that the production quality was really phenomenal. I wasn’t sure if they’d be able to afford it [as a series], because there [were] so many special effects and so many action sequences. But I wasn’t incredibly surprised. It was my fifth pilot, and it was one of the better ones I’ve done.
AX: Physically, what’s the hardest thing you’ve done as an actor? Wire work, where your character is flying or leaping superhuman heights?
WESLEY: [Wire work] sucks. I hate it. I’m not going to lie. It literally hurts. You have a scene where you have to act, you have to be in character, and then you have this incredible pain in your groin area, because your entire weight is essentially on this wire on your groin. It’s awful. Anybody that says it’s fun is completely lying. But, am I going to suck it up and then when I see the final product am I going to be happy that I did it? Yes. But if you’re going to ask me [laughs], it’s not fun.

Nya bilder till 3.11 ‘Our Town’