Nya Spoilers om Stefan/Damon/Elena och Stefan/Caroline !SPOILER!
Thanks to E!Online and VDO we have a couple of new TVD spoilers for you!!!
Moosewithagoose: Could you ask around about possible Stefan/Caroline scenes on TVD? Would be much appreciated, thank you!
Been there, done that! We chatted with Candice Accola who tells us she’s a “big fan” of scenes between the two, but says “as of right now there hasn’t been a lot of interaction” between Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Caroline. Boo! Hiss! As for a romance between the two, Accola says it seems unlikely. “I think that would be extremely complicated,” she tells us. “I can’t really picture that in reality as being something that would happen anytime soon, if ever.”
occamsrazor0: something about the Original family, por favor!
As most Vampire Diaries fans know, we’ll be introduced to two new brothers soon and here’s what Joseph Morgan could tell us when we caught up with him. “I have a very different relationship with Kol than I do with Finn. When you get the whole family together, it’s really charged.” The whole family? Things that make you go hmmm… When we poised the idea of an Originals spinoff to our favorite hybrid, he tells us he’s pulling for it “unashamedly.”
Jessica: When is Stefan going to find out about that kiss between Elena (Nina Dobrev) and Damon (Ian Somerhalder)?
Very soon. As in, this week soon!
Margie: Dying for Klaus and Caroline scoop!
Nothing between them in the next episode. Sad trombone! Klaus will have his hands full trying to get the coffins back. But there is a great storyline involving Tyler. Also, Bonnie’s Mom and Caroline’s dad both show up in the next episode. One to help their child, one not.