Paul pratar om Stefans roll och hans gamla roller i andra filmer/tv-serier

Assignment X gets a chance to talk exclusively with the hot sexy Paul Wesley about how he feels about the change in his character Stefan and past roles. Paul is such a great guy, he gives really good interviews and really opens up about how he really feels and how he don’t like doing “wire work” can’t much blame him on that one!!!
ASSIGNMENT X: Were you looking forward to playing Stefan as an absolute badass this season?
PAUL WESLEY: Yeah, more than anything else. I want to play a variety of different characters in my life, and I didn’t want to be stereotyped, so it’s a great opportunity for me to do something different.
Paul Wesley at the TEEN CHOICE 2011 Awards | ©2011 Sue Schneider
AX: Were you just hoping that character development was going to come along, did you know that was coming, or was that a big surprise?
WESLEY: No. I told [series producers] Julie [Plec] and Kevin [Williamson], “Look, I’d really love to do something,” and they said, “Great,” and they agreed. We don’t want anything to be redundant – we want to keep it fresh for the viewers.
AX: You’ve played some other horror/sci-fi/fantasy characters prior to Stefan …
WESLEY: I played Lucas Luthor on SMALLVILLE. I did a [werewolf] show called WOLF LAKE [on CBS]. And then I did a pilot for the WB that didn’t get picked up.
AX: Stefan is a big change from your last series regular, Aaron on FALLEN. When you did the telefilm version of that, did you think it was going to go to series?
WESLEY: When I shot the pilot, I knew it was a two-hour movie regardless. I knew that it was going to air. I knew that the production quality was really phenomenal. I wasn’t sure if they’d be able to afford it [as a series], because there [were] so many special effects and so many action sequences. But I wasn’t incredibly surprised. It was my fifth pilot, and it was one of the better ones I’ve done.
AX: Physically, what’s the hardest thing you’ve done as an actor? Wire work, where your character is flying or leaping superhuman heights?
WESLEY: [Wire work] sucks. I hate it. I’m not going to lie. It literally hurts. You have a scene where you have to act, you have to be in character, and then you have this incredible pain in your groin area, because your entire weight is essentially on this wire on your groin. It’s awful. Anybody that says it’s fun is completely lying. But, am I going to suck it up and then when I see the final product am I going to be happy that I did it? Yes. But if you’re going to ask me [laughs], it’s not fun.