Nina Dobrev på MuchMusic
Officiell Synopsis för "Smells Like Teen Spirit " 3.06!

Promo till nästa avsnitt "Disturbing Behavior" 3.03

Vampire Dairies 3x03

Nytt klipp från 3x03 SPOILER
Nina i en intervju för E!
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Nina & Paul pratar om den nya Stefan

Inte bara det, sporrar det verkliga ungdoms-ledda sociala åtgärder. Förra året slutadede som deltar i dag upp volontärarbete mer än 1,7 miljoner timmar av sin tid och togcirka $ 5,4 miljoner donationer för att stödja lokala och globala organisationer.
Det viktigaste budskapet för dagen var tydligt: Vem som helst kan förändra världen och motivera andra att agera. Det är något dagens sortiment med stjärnor och motiverande talare mästare.
Värdar Nina Dobrev och Joe Jonas har varit aktivt engagerade i Free the Children, senast stödja deras östafrikanska torka kampanj.
"Varje enskild person i Vi Dag publiken kommer att fortsätta att förändra världen",Dobrev berättade AOL. "Ungdom i världen är otroligt. De kan göra så mycket. Jag är glad att jag kan hjälpa energi dem. Detta arbete har förändrat mitt liv. "
T-shirt Nina har på sig har Hon designade den själv! Hon designade den själv och alla intäkter från det gå till utfodring 6,5000 skolbarn i Kenya.
"Ingen ska gå hungrig eftersom, uppriktigt sagt, hungern biter. Och jag säger bara att eftersom jag är på en vampyr show, "Nina skämtade.

Ett nytt klipp på "the end of affair" - 3x03 (Spoiler)

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Ny Nina Inervju från Nylon Magazine

Canada’s #1 star Nina Dobrev talks to Nylon Magazine about Perks of Being a Wallflower, who are her fashion insperations and her favorite TV shows!
“Everything sort of fell together perfectly, which was awesome. I was working with a stylist who was amazing, but when I’m away in Atlanta, she has to send me photos of dresses in models and then I choose which ones I think will work. I always try to dress for the occasion. For Teen Choice Awards I do something a little more teen friendly, and for Emmys it’s a little more glam. It’s fun to dress up; award shows are like theme parties…or Halloween,” Nina says about her amazing appearance at the 2011 Emmy Awards.
The Vampire Diaries actress also reveals the names of some of her style icons. “I’m a chameleon as a person and as an artist. The characters that I play and the events that I go to, you have to be a different person each time, so I have a different inspiration each time. One of them is Kate Beckinsale; she has great style because she’s always so classy and put together in a very clean way. Zoe Saldana takes a lot of risks, but is still very classy. I love Diana Agron, Emma Watson, Olivia Wilde, Emma Stone…they’re all so great,” Nina told Nylon.
On her style, the lovely actress admits that, “My style is both of them. I have a say in a lot of the things I wear on the show. I feel like I dress like Elena during the day and Katherine at night. Like right now, I’m wearing a t-shirt and sweats. It just depends.”

Asked about her favorite TV shows, Nina states that, “I don’t have a lot of time for TV, but when I do, I watch GLEE! Everyone knows I love GLEE. I also love Chelsea Lately more than I can tell you [laughing]. She’s hilarious. Netflix is also my friend when I’m working or traveling, because I can just watch a movie whenever.”
As for the music she’s into right now, Nina says that, “Let me open my iTunes and tell you…I love the Black Keys, Adele, Coldplay, Arcade Fire, M.Ward. Everyone always makes fun of me because I can never remember names, but I can still sing along to all the words!”
On her role in the upcoming adaptation of ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’, the gorgeous actress admits that, “It was such a wonderful experience. I played an important role, but it was small; Emma Watson was the lead who gets to carry the project on her shoulders [laughing].” Besides, she confesses she read the book only after getting the part. “I hadn’t read it at first, but I read it after I got the part. I was one of those few people who didn’t have it on their school reading lists! It was really cool because Stephen Chbosky, the writer of the book, wrote the screenplay- it’s like his baby,” Nina told Nylon.

Vampire Diaries på MTVS 10 On Top


“We’re introduced to a couple of new characters and there are huge surprises and a cliffhanger of sorts,” she says. “You learn a lot of information and is very visually stimulating. I think people are going to go crazy for this one.”
Dagens Bild
MTV Hollywood Crush Intervju Med Ian Somerhalder
The Hollywood Reporter intervju Med Kat & Zach
Officiell Synopsis för "The Reckoning" 3x04!

E!online intervju med Steven & Zach

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The Hybrid - 3x02 & Promo till "The End Of the Affair" 3x03
Här är den nya promon för The End of the Affair 3x3

Tv-Guide intervju med Ian!

He's angry. Damon always wanted his brother to feed on humans just like he does, so now that he's doing so, what's the big problem? Stefan's only hanging with Klaus these days. "He tried for two seasons to get his brother to do what Damon was all about: destroy everything in [their] path ... and eat and munch on every sorority girl he can reach. He tried for a really long time to make that happen to no avail and now Stefan's running around doing that exact thing, but with Klaus, who is a prick. And he tried to kill Damon! So you can see where his frustration comes from."

Ian's photoshoot för Men's Health


Fredagen den 18 november 19.00 är Elena, Stefan och Damon tillbaka i rutan. Premiäravsnittet börjar med en stor födelsedagsfest för att fira Elenas 18-årsdag, men födelsedagsbarnet har annat att tänka på. Har Stefan verkligen blivit ond? Var är han? Och lyckas Damon distrahera Elena med sin mycket speciella födelsedagspresent? Frågorna är många efter den spännande säsongsavslutningen, men nu finns ett datum på väntan.
Ett nytt klipp på "the end of affair" - 3x02 (Spoiler)



Ny stills från 3x03 - The End Of the Affair



Malese Jow på ClevverTV´s 1 minute hot seat

Outtakes på Kat, Candice & Steve från en okänd photoshoot!
Paul på Late night with Jimmy Fallon!

Ian Somerhalder & Nina Dobrev pratar om ‘Damon &Elena’

Bilder från 3x01
Joseph Morgan på KTLA Morning News – 15/09/2011


Vi på TVDF kan kanppt fatta det! Men så är sanningen. Vi lägger ut avsnittet imorgon kväll någon gång med lite bilder oxå kanska.

Matt Davis Pratar om V3

Ny bild på Stefan & Klaus från 3.x03


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Officiell Synopsis för "Disturbing Behavior" 3x04!

Ett nytt klipp på Stefan & Damon 3x01
Kat på 62nd Emmy Week 2011
Kat Graham i Runaway Magazine
Dagens Bild
Paul, Nina & Ian Pratar med Rolling Stone om V3
Julie Plec pratar V3

So basically it's when Elena stopped being a dunce?
Yeah, when your heroine sort of says, "Hey wait a second, I'm not going to just sit in the dark, I'm going to go after the truth." And when the truth opens the door to the past. You know, that's just such a fun way to tell the story. And it really clicked for us in that moment that we can keep doing this and make it interesting and make it dynamic.
Have your interactions with the real-life actors ever influenced what happened to a character later on in the show? I think you've mentioned that ghost girlfriends were due in part to how much you've enjoyed the actresses personally. Are there characters you thought you'd kill off but you liked the actors too much? How does one thing influence the other?
It actually influences it quite a lot and yet sometimes, painfully, not at all. Sara Canning as Aunt Jenna being the perfect example. There is not a more gifted, wonderful, professional, fantastic young woman on this planet than Sara Canning, but Aunt Jenna had to go. But on the reverse, I would say the same thing about Kayla Ewell being one of the loveliest human beings you've ever met, and though there's probably 70 percent of the audience that barely remembers Vicki Donovan, she as a human being made such a mark on us that we couldn't wait to bring her back. Daniel Gillies is a great example of somebody coming in and being such a tremendous actor in a role that was just kind of meant to be a henchman originally. And he was so good and so juicy that the whole picture of that character immediately evaporated and we created this life for him, his brother connection to Klaus, and suddenly Elijah's become one of the most important characters in the canon of the show.
Did you know how awesome Katherine would end up being? At first it seemed like she was going to be a Big Bad, but now it seems like she's maybe just more of a regular character. Was that an intentional decision?
Yes. That has a lot to do with the basic mechanics of the same actress playing two parts. As juicy and delicious as Katherine is as a villain and vixen in our series, it takes a lot out of Nina [Dobrev]. It takes a lot out on our production. It's very hard to do. So the simple logistics of executing it are really, really complicated and so we have to pick and choose our moments when she can be present like a Big Bad or, like, a romantic love interest. We just have to be really careful.
Are any of these kids going to graduate high school? It seems like they're all pretty truant.
Yeah, I know. [Laughs.] Well, they've got a history teacher in their pocket who can help them out.
Alaric's gonna fake their transcripts for them!
I think that one of the things we like about the show is that while these are teenagers and it's set in a high school world, high school is only part of their world. It is not defining their day-to-day lives, you know? And we do a lot of episodes that, in our minds, take place on the weekends! [Laughs.]
Okay, so for now it's just kind of enough to inspire millions of chapters of slash-fic? Is that the gay contribution?
For the moment! By the way, the other day I was watching a scene in an upcoming episode between Matt and Jeremy, and I called the editor, and I was like, "Are they in love? What is going on?" It is the most Ho Yay, homoerotic love story, accidentally being told between Jeremy and Matt right now. It's so funny. But you know, you've got these beautiful boys and they're acting their hearts out...
Läs Hela intervju här!

Tv Guide Magazine V3 med Ian Somerhalder

Julie Plec pratar om Jenna, Spoilers & V3

Matt Davis Pratar Om Alaric's Nya Roll i V3

Ny Katerina Graham Intervju!

Kat Graham: You know, you always wait for that moment as an actor. You feel like you can really showcase some cool stuff. They really gave me so many great things to work with and so much hard work to do. I was just so excited that they did that.
IGN: Things have been going pretty good with Jeremy and Bonnie – Well, when he wasn't dying. But now you've got quite an issue to deal with, because it's one thing when you have a tangible person to compete with, but you've got a couple of invisible girls out there.
Graham: I know, I know. If my boyfriend had a couple ex-girlfriends in the picture, I know that I would just lose my marbles. So I don't know how Bonnie's gonna handle it. Hopefully, she's not as crazy as me.
IGN: From what we heard, Jeremy's keeping things very close to the vest, and he's not telling you.
Graham: Yeah, that's not something you necessarily want to just wave a flag about. "Hey, by the way, I'm seeing my dead ex-girlfriend. What are you doing for lunch?" You know what I mean? [Laughs]

Graham: Oh my gosh, yeah. Kayla Ewell is one of my closest friends, and Malese Jow is such an incredible person and artist. I just love that they're really giving them a kind of an open door again to come back in.
Graham: I can't really say, because I know that's what everyone's kind of waiting on and I really want it to be a surprise for the fans. But I will say that she really thinks everything is where it left off, I will say that. So any new revelations or anything, she's completely unaware of.
Graham: I am so intrigued! I'm like, "Where is this going!?" I'm so excited! I definitely want to see some stuff with Klaus, and Joseph Morgan gets to do his thing this season. And good for him!
Graham: Every time I get a Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, Caroline Dries script -- any of our amazing writers -- every time I get a script from them, I'm just like, "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Holy s**t, this is really happening!" Yes, I absolutely do. I literally sit on my bed and don't get off it until I've read the script from page to page.

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hannah om Ny affisch på V3!:
vart har du köpt den? |
Ett nytt klipp på The Birthday 3x01

Nya Promo bilder!

Paul Wesley på WPIX news

Paul Hos Regis & Kelly

Vampire diaries cast intervju från Cw party

Ny Intervju från Cw party

Michael Trevino på Alma Awards 2011

Ny affisch på V3!

Nina, Candice, Zach & Ian på LAX

The vampire diaries cast på Cw party! (10 september)

Kat på MTV’s 10 on Top
Richie Arpino Photoshoot

The Vampire Diaries på MTV’s 10 on Top (Spoilers)

Joseph Morgan i det nya numret av Varón Magazine

En ny bild på Elena & Damon

The Vampire Diaries - Appetites Preview

Officiell Synopsis för "The End of the Affair" 3x03!

Dagens Bild: Delena
Nya promo bilder för säsong 3!

Nya Bilder från the hybrid 3x02

Sara Canning på "Dragon*CON
Dagens citat


Dagens Bild: Vicky
Grattis Kat!

Video: Ian Somerhalder NO Keystone Pipeline

Dagens Bild: Klaus & Katherine

Ursäkta för min uppdatering, men jag har ganska fullt upp som jag sagt tidigare. Den blir antagligen bättre när säsong 3börjar.

Ian twittrar!


Kevin Williamson berättar mer om Vampire Diaries Säsong 3!
Kevin Williamson pratade med Collider om säsong 3 av tvd. Han pratade även om hans nya serie Secret Circle som börjar i höst tillsammans med tvd!
Question: What will be going on with the supernatural mythology of The Vampire Diaries
in Season 3?
KEVIN WILLIAMSON: In the first half of the season, I think we’re going to really enjoy Klaus (Joseph Morgan), and him being not only an Original, but the bastard child of the Original Family. Now, he’s a hybrid and he’s lifted the curse. It will be watching what he does. He has a whole plan behind it all, and Stefan (Paul Wesley) is part of that plan. He sets his plan in motion in the very first episode, and we play that out for a while.
Will viewers get to see much of Klaus’ life and family?
WILLIAMSON: That’s the idea. We have so much story to tell, with regard to what’s happening in Mystic Falls and the little road journey that Klaus and Stefan are on, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Elena’s (Nina Dobrev) attempt to save him, and what Klaus is actually up to, that I’m not exactly sure how much of the original family we’ll get to, but you are going to meet a few of the original families. Hopefully, Elijah (Daniel Gillies) will return, at some point. We have no set plans yet, but we love him so much that we definitely want him back. There are so many characters and storylines that are rich, but we’re hoping that, as the season progresses, by the end of the season, it will all come together. We have a bunch of loose threads right now. Julie [Plec] and I worked out this master plan that ties it all together, but it’s a mythology, so it’s chapter by chapter by chapter. By the end of the season, it will all make sense.
Läs mer HÄR
Ny promo bild på Klaus!

The vampire diaries i "Creme" Magazine
Nya promo bilder på Stefan, Elena & Damon
Ew har lagt ut tre nya promo bilder stefan, Damon & Elena! Det finns en intevju också läs den HÄR
Officiell Synopsis för "The Hybrid" 3x02!!!
THE NEW ORDER —Klaus (Joseph Morgan) puts a plan in motion that will give him even more power, but even with the unwilling participation of werewolf Ray Sutton (guest star David Gallagher), things don’t go exactly as Klaus had planned. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Alaric (Matt Davis) reluctantly go along with Elena’s (Nina Dobrev) new strategy to find Stefan (Paul Wesley), leading Damon into a dangerous fight with an unexpected enemy. Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) turns to Matt (Zach Roerig) for help as he continues to try to understand what the ghosts from his past want from him. Unaware that Caroline (Candice Accola) is in need of his help, Tyler (Michael Trevino) faces an emotional confrontation with his mother (guest star Susan Walters).