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Vampire Diaries på ISF Halloween Party & Eyecon/Empoweresque 2011!

Vampire Diaries cast på MTV 10 on top



Nya outtakes på Micheal Trevino frå Bench Magazine

Kat på Variety’s 5th Annual Power of Youth Event (23/10-2011)

Katerina Graham på Elton John’s 10th Annual Aids Foundation Benefit

Promo till " Ordinary People" 5.05

"Ghost World" 3.07

Vampire Diaries Cast pratar om Halloween kläder och 3.07

Malese jow & Kayla Ewell pratar om "ghost world" 3.07 (spoiler)
Tv-Guide intevjuade Malesw Jow (Anna) & Kayla Ewell (Vicki) de pratade om avsnitt 3.07 som vi kommer att få se imorgon. Sen la de ut en video med klippar ppå avsnitt 3.07 "Ghost world"
Good ghost vs. evil ghost
Upon their arrival as ghosts, Anna warned Jeremy that Vicki was surrounded by darkness. As Jow points out, "If people were gray about it before, 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' made it black and white. Vicki had ulterior motives that weren't very good." But Ewell begs to differ. "Vicki has the best intentions, but doesn't always handle them correctly," she says. "It comes down to the fact that any of us would do anything to survive and if your life has been taken away and you get another chance at it, then you're going to pretty much do anything," she says.
For Jow, she says there's no question about Anna's intentions. "Anna was never diabolical in the first place. She's powerful and has the wisdom of 100 years, but she's never evil [and] above all else she just wants Jeremy to be happy. I think selfless is definitely a quality Anna has."
The Vampire Diaries Bite: Get the backstory on the Tyler-Caroline romance
Reasons for returning
Both Jow and Ewell believe a major reason for their characters' returns was to fulfill a love story — but different ones. "The first season we had such a great bond and it got cut off so short, so the people who were invested in that are getting more of what could've happened if Anna were to continue throughout Season 2," Jow says. "Jeremy and Anna have an amazing relationship whether it's romantically or within a friendship."
Vicki, on the other hand, reappeared primarily to connect with her brother Matt. "[Executive producer] Julie Plec explained to me that it's like a love story between brother and sister," Ewell says. From the beginning one of the strongest relationships [on the show] is Vicki and Matt."
Catch up on The Vampire Diaries with our recaps
"Tease" for Thursday's episode
Both actresses agree that "Ghost World" will be redeeming for viewers. "It's all really coming to a head. The question everyone's been having this whole time -- 'Do they have the capability to come back?' -- we're getting closer and closer to that answer," Jow says. Ewell adds: "This one answers pretty much everything."
Check out our favorite TV and movie vampires
Future on the show
Luckily ghosts are immortal spirits, which means the two actresses can pop up at any time. "They've created this portal to allow Anna and Vicki to come and go," Ewell says. But will we see Vicki, who was forced to "leave" last week, any time soon? "I'm going back to Atlanta [whereVampire Diaries films] next week," she says.
Watch this week's Vampire Diaries Bite for more on the ghostly love affairs:
Sebastian Rocho pratar om Micheal & varför han gillar TVD

I think that classical theater training is just one aspect of acting. I think that experience of having worked with a lot of text can help you as an actor. It gives you the ability to tackle a larger than life character in parts that require it.
Can you give us any little teasers on why Mikael is out for Klaus (Joseph Morgan)? What is his agenda?
I don’t think I can talk about any of that, no. [Laughs] I really can’t. I was sworn to secrecy. I mean, you know the fans are already surmising and they’re already somewhat hipped to what might happen. Unfortunately, I can only talk about these things after the show’s aired — which I think is a nice teaser in itself. But there are very, very intense exchanges that are going to happen between them.
Do you know if we'll be flashing back to the '90s to see how Mikael got stuck in the tomb?
The one thing I really do not like are spoilers because, for me, spoilers spoil the fun.
Okay, we don’t think this one is such a spoiler. Since you’re fluent in four languages, will any of those come into play in coming episodes?
Umm… Maybe. I know, it’s infuriating isn’t it?
How has working on Vampire Diaries differed fromSupernatural?
Well, the role in itself is very different. Working on Vampire Diaries we have loads of fun. Ian [Somerhalder] and Nina [Dobrev] and Paul [Wesley] are hilarious. There’s not that much difference in the sense that it’s fun. It’s been really, really exciting and I’m excited about the character. Before I went into Vampire Diaries Julie told me that there was going to be a certain number of episodes, she told me the history ahead of time, so I knew a bit more when I came in. With Supernatural I came in for one episode and then I ended up being picked for this sort of a light, decadent angel with a tragic end. But the enjoyment was pretty much the same. And discovering a new cast is always exciting. I enjoyed very much working with Joseph as well. And Paul I knew before. Paul and I actually tested together on a TV series that he got and I didn’t. It was fun. It was just a different energy. They’re very smart, very talented young men and women.

Bilder till " Ordanary People" 3.08

Vampire Diaries Musiklistor
CWTV har fixat ett Musikarkiv där alla låtar från säsong 1,2 och 3 finns med. Tycker att ni ska kolla in det för det finns massor av bra musik där. Klicka på bilden för att komma dit. :)

Ett nytt klipp på "Ghost World" - 3.07 (Spoiler)

Paul undrar varför TVD är inte var nominerad på Scream Awards

We Day 2011 intervju

Jag och Nathalie ska ha en liten frågestund här på bloggen. Ni kommer att kunna ställa era frågor i ca 2 veckor. Jag kommer nämligen åka och hälsa på Nathalie under sportlovet, då passar vi på att svara på alla era frågor tillsammans. Ni får fråga vad som hels och det kan vara något om oss, bloggen, Vampire Diaries eller något annat du undrar över.
Vi hoppas på att vi får massor av frågor och ni har ju 2 veckor på er att komma på frågor. Frågestund avslutas onsdag den 2 november
/ Johanna & Nathalie
Promo för 3x07 Ghost World

3x06 Smells Like Teen Spirit


Officiell Synopsis för "My Morning Jackaet To perform " 3.09


Candice & Micheal pratar om Caroline & Tyler's romance
Mer bilder från avsnitt 3.05 - Smell like teen Spirit

Paul Wesley Pratar om Ripper Stefan på Hollywood Crush
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Paul presentera ett pris Scream Awards

Behind the scenes på 3.06 och en bild

Ett nytt klipp på "Smell Like teen Spirit" - 3.06 (Spoiler)

Mer bilder på Paul från Scream Awards!
Zap2it intervju med Ian Somerhalder

Paul Wesley på Scream Awards!

Svar på kommentar!
Anna om Bilder till 3.07:
hej jag är ett stort fan till vampire diaries. Jag undrar när den nya säsongen börjar? tacksam för svar! |

Bilder till 3.07

Bilder till nästa avsnitt 3.06 - Smell like Teen Spirit

Dagens Bild och Citat
Dagens Bild och Citat är på Damon och Elena!
Jag måste också erkänna att jag som varit på den sidan att Stefan och Elena ska va tilsammans har ändrats. Efter de 2 sista avsnitten som kommit ut av s3 har jag kommit fram till att Elena och Damon ska vara 1 nu. Damon förtjänar det också. <3
Nina pratar om Bromance, pinsammhet och mer..
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Matt pratar om Jenna, Hans mörkasida i V3 & Elena & Jeremy
How is Alaric faring after Jenna's death?
I think that he's not looking back. He really wants to look forward and he really wants to turn his life around. He really wants to find his purpose again, and I think he wants to be the best mentor he can be for the kids.
As an actor, I'm really creatively connected to the developing relationship with Elena, as her mentor and as a parental figure. But not even a parental figure -- [Alaric] thinks that because he's a guardian, he has to be a parent. He's got his own preconceived notions of what a good parent is, and he's coming to terms with the fact that maybe he's not a good parent traditionally.Well, the situation is anything but traditional.
Yeah, exactly. I think also as he's become invested in being the guardian to Elena, he will eventually find himself at odds with Damon, who he feels is moving in on Elena and almost preying off of her emotional vulnerability. She's so stretched out and so worn down by the fact that Stefan's off into the dark side. He sees Damon within this house dynamic that Alaric's in, Elena's in, Damon's in, Jeremy's in -- we're like this core group of people trying to find Stefan and combat the forces of Klaus' evil. In that process, Alaric sees Damon using his attraction to Elena to confuse her and pull her off her center, from his perspective. That's why I like the fact that the bromance with Alaric and Damon will be frayed. I'm not saying it's over or anything like that, but I'm saying he will make a stand to Damon now and really draw a line. And I like that that's happening.
It sounds like he's trying his best to take responsibility for these two kids he got stuck with.
Yeah, which is nice because I think that after having found Isobel in the first season, his whole purpose basically dissolved. His whole purpose in Season 1 was to find the truth of what happened to his wife. And he did -- he found her, and it turned out she was kind of a real b*tch, and it was startling and shocking. Once he had found her, his purpose dematerialized and he found himself in this weird nebulous relationship with Jenna which was basically his true rebound. Jenna was basically a rebound for Alaric in all his awkward glory. So now that the third season is coming around, his purpose is starting to re-materialize: being guardian and protector of the Gilbert kids.
That's good, because I was wondering, now that Jenna's out of the picture, how he'd find a way to hang out with teenagers and not be creepy.
Exactly. I'm excited to see what's going to happen. I talked to Julie [Plec, co-creator]. She's got new ideas for Alaric too that will be emerging that I'm really looking forward to. I think will add a nice new dimension to Alaric which is what I've been chasing. Last season he was the resident vampire hunter, and he didn't kill one vampire in Season 2, you know? All of the hiatus between second and third seasons, I've really been wracking my brain to figure out, What's his purpose? What does it mean for him to have this knowledge of vampires, being a vampire hunter on some level, how can he bring that all to [the forefront]? That's why I'm excited for Season 3, not only is that coming into focus with Elena, but there's going to be a new element introduced that Julie and I have been talking about that we decided to explore, which was born out of me having played Klaus last season.How was it playing Klaus?
It was interesting. [Julie] and I had some really good conversations about how I wanted it to play out. So I was thinking, theoretically [Alaric] still has Klaus' blood coursing through his veins and I really wanted to play that angle, so I talked to Julie and shared some ideas with her about what that would mean. Like, how could having Klaus' blood inside Alaric's body really enable him to be an uber vampire? What qualities could he receive and gain from that blood transfusion, if you will, that no one could have foreseen? I had some really cool ideas that I did share with her that I wanted to see manifest, but she -- and I ultimately agreed with her -- [said that] to go in that direction would bend the character too far out of the narrative that we're already in. But understanding my intent behind these ideas, she has come up with an alternative that I'm equally -- if not moreso -- excited about.
So is that starting to play out in the episodes you're filming now or is that a future thing?
It's just happening. It's just an idea she's giving birth to and shared with me over the weekend, and I am so grateful to hear. Because I was really beginning to feel, on some level, uncertain. I really want to have a creative handle on something to play. I really loved playing Klaus for those few episodes. It was so much fun and she knew that, and we've talked about that, so we're going to try and bring a new darkness into Alaric, to really break him free from his self-doubt and break him free from any of his concerns he has about not living up to expectations and get into a dark side again. I want to reactivate some of that joy of playing a villain last season.
As a viewer you could tell you were having a lot of fun with it. I mean, what's not fun about that?
That's what I learned about playing a villain! The great thing about the villain is that there's really no internal conflict. They're just bad, and they enjoy it. I find the trick to playing a villain is that you can't be bad for the sake of being bad. It has to be rooted in some sort of heartbreak. To become a villain you had to have become disillusioned, and in order to become disillusioned you had to have been passionate about something you believed in that was shaken and ripped from your grasp as a protagonist in that stage of your life leaving you disillusioned with God, if you will. From that disillusionment, you become dark and in that there's this freedom to be malevolent on all levels. Free, uncovered by any sense of morality, so you can just go and be dark. That's what I liked about it, understanding the root cause for Klaus and really just having fun with being sinister. [Laughs]
Now that Alaric's finding himself and Jenna is out of the picture, is there going to be another love interest for him?
I hope so. Julie has talked to me about it. When that will happen remains to be seen, but I think it will happen. We just don't want him to jump into another relationship right away, but I think it would be important for him. My comment, what I would have want to have happened, is to have a new principal, or a new teacher, who's just smoking hot. [Laughs] Just smart and has her own mystery. I wanted to see the relationship between Alaric at school play out in the teacher's office, the teacher's lounge, between this principal or new teacher, whatever it may be, and see him beginning to go out on dates. See him really begin to fall for somebody, genuinely, born out of an intense connection. I wanted him to have his protection of Elena and his love for this woman become the bedrock for his perspective on the new seasons. I don't think that's going to happen, as far as the love interest is concerned, but I know that they're going to bring him in another direction which will be cool to play regardless. I don't know exactly what is, but I know it will happen.
Promo till Nästa avsnitt 3.06 " Smell Like Teen Spirit"

The Reckoning 3x05

Julie Plec pratar om " The Reckoning" 3.05

Officiell Synopsis för "Ordinary People " 3.08! (Spoiler)

Kat Grahams nya låt!

Micheal Trevino hos Ryan Seacrest (Radio)

Ett nytt klipp på "The Reckoning" - 3x05 (Spoiler)

Nina på MTV 10 on top

Dagens Bild
Dagens Bild är på Nina Dobrev
Ny nina intervju
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TITEL TILL AVSNITT 3.08 " Ordinary People"

Nya behind the scenes bilder från 3.04

Officiella promo till 3.05

Paul & Joseph i TV-guide magazine

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Promo till The Reckoning 3.05
Någon mer än jag som längtar?

Disturbing Behavior 3x04
Lite kort om avsnittet:
Klaus och Rebecca letar efter halsbandet som Stefan gav Elena. Stefan försöker fixa upp en plan för att de inte ska kunna hitta det, men hans plan misslyckas och Katherine kommer och hjälper honom. Hemma i Mystic Falls kommer Bonnie hem. Jeremy träffar Anna och de pratar med varandra. Damon försöker få Bill ( Carolines pappa)
att glömma att Caroline är en vampyr, men det fungerade inte.

Bilder till 3.05

Ny/gammal intervju med Daniel Gillies

Officiell Synopsis för "Ghost World" 3.07

Dagens Bild
Julie Plec pratar om Disturbing Behavior 3.04
En ny video har kommit ut med Julie Plec när hon pratar lite om Desturbing Behavior 3x04. Klippet innehåller även små scener från avsnittet!

Nya promo bilder på Ian, Nina, Paul & Joseph

Ny hollywood crush intevju med Nina
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Ett nytt klipp på "Disturbing Behavior" - 3.04 (Spoiler)
Nina på "Project Pink Day"

Dagens Bild & Video

Nina & Ian på väg till NYC (1 oktober)

Ny promo bild på Katherine

Nina & Claire på inspelningen av V3

Längre promo till 3.04

Disturbing Behavior 3.04 stills