Sebastian Rocho pratar om Micheal & varför han gillar TVD
Datum: 2011-10-26 Tid: 18:00:55 Kategori: Intervjuer

Wetpaint Entertainment: What do you like about working with show creators Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson?
Sebastian Roché: One thing I really liked is that, as soon as I got the part, Julie called me and told me about the character, what was going to happen as far as the character development, so I thought that was a really nice touch. I’ve never worked with Kevin Williamson. I mean, I know of him of course, and I auditioned for Secret Circle and there was a very good response to that. So I know he knows of my work, but I never personally worked with Kevin Williamson. Julie Plec was really wonderful. What I love about her is that if you call her, she will call you back, which is really nice from an executive producer/creator.
How do you bring your classical theater training to the small screen?
I think that classical theater training is just one aspect of acting. I think that experience of having worked with a lot of text can help you as an actor. It gives you the ability to tackle a larger than life character in parts that require it.
Can you give us any little teasers on why Mikael is out for Klaus (Joseph Morgan)? What is his agenda?
I don’t think I can talk about any of that, no. [Laughs] I really can’t. I was sworn to secrecy. I mean, you know the fans are already surmising and they’re already somewhat hipped to what might happen. Unfortunately, I can only talk about these things after the show’s aired — which I think is a nice teaser in itself. But there are very, very intense exchanges that are going to happen between them.
Do you know if we'll be flashing back to the '90s to see how Mikael got stuck in the tomb?
The one thing I really do not like are spoilers because, for me, spoilers spoil the fun.
Okay, we don’t think this one is such a spoiler. Since you’re fluent in four languages, will any of those come into play in coming episodes?
Umm… Maybe. I know, it’s infuriating isn’t it?
How has working on Vampire Diaries differed fromSupernatural?
Well, the role in itself is very different. Working on Vampire Diaries we have loads of fun. Ian [Somerhalder] and Nina [Dobrev] and Paul [Wesley] are hilarious. There’s not that much difference in the sense that it’s fun. It’s been really, really exciting and I’m excited about the character. Before I went into Vampire Diaries Julie told me that there was going to be a certain number of episodes, she told me the history ahead of time, so I knew a bit more when I came in. With Supernatural I came in for one episode and then I ended up being picked for this sort of a light, decadent angel with a tragic end. But the enjoyment was pretty much the same. And discovering a new cast is always exciting. I enjoyed very much working with Joseph as well. And Paul I knew before. Paul and I actually tested together on a TV series that he got and I didn’t. It was fun. It was just a different energy. They’re very smart, very talented young men and women.
I think that classical theater training is just one aspect of acting. I think that experience of having worked with a lot of text can help you as an actor. It gives you the ability to tackle a larger than life character in parts that require it.
Can you give us any little teasers on why Mikael is out for Klaus (Joseph Morgan)? What is his agenda?
I don’t think I can talk about any of that, no. [Laughs] I really can’t. I was sworn to secrecy. I mean, you know the fans are already surmising and they’re already somewhat hipped to what might happen. Unfortunately, I can only talk about these things after the show’s aired — which I think is a nice teaser in itself. But there are very, very intense exchanges that are going to happen between them.
Do you know if we'll be flashing back to the '90s to see how Mikael got stuck in the tomb?
The one thing I really do not like are spoilers because, for me, spoilers spoil the fun.
Okay, we don’t think this one is such a spoiler. Since you’re fluent in four languages, will any of those come into play in coming episodes?
Umm… Maybe. I know, it’s infuriating isn’t it?
How has working on Vampire Diaries differed fromSupernatural?
Well, the role in itself is very different. Working on Vampire Diaries we have loads of fun. Ian [Somerhalder] and Nina [Dobrev] and Paul [Wesley] are hilarious. There’s not that much difference in the sense that it’s fun. It’s been really, really exciting and I’m excited about the character. Before I went into Vampire Diaries Julie told me that there was going to be a certain number of episodes, she told me the history ahead of time, so I knew a bit more when I came in. With Supernatural I came in for one episode and then I ended up being picked for this sort of a light, decadent angel with a tragic end. But the enjoyment was pretty much the same. And discovering a new cast is always exciting. I enjoyed very much working with Joseph as well. And Paul I knew before. Paul and I actually tested together on a TV series that he got and I didn’t. It was fun. It was just a different energy. They’re very smart, very talented young men and women.
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