Joseph, Ian och Zach pratar om TVD !Spoilers!

Before tomorrow night’s thrilling TVD episode, Joseph Morgan, Ian Somerhalder, and Zach Roerig talk to Ology about some more spoilers coming our way!
OLOGY: Between everything that’s happened between Stefan and Damon with Elena, is there a lesser of two evils?
IAN SOMERAHALDER: I think they’re both pretty screwed up.
JOSEPH MORGAN: Yeah, I mean, in the real world, what each of them has done is unforgivable, isn’t it? Like, for neither of them would you say ‘oh, okay, I can kinda get past that’. [Stefan] did try drive her off a bridge…
ZACH ROERIG: I mean, she’ll always want to keep them around, because she still loved them… but I don’t think she’ll ever trust them again.
JOSEPH: It’s time for her to move on, you know?
IAN: Find another handsome duo… like Batman and Robin!
JOSEPH: I like that!
IAN (to Joseph and Zach): Klaus and Matt!
ZACH: Yogi and Boo-Boo!
JOSEPH: I just can’t decide who’s the better bear for me! (Laughs)
IAN: But it is weird. It’s definitely weird- Julie Plec has this way of poetically justifying it, but I… I’ve gotten to the place where I’m just interested in seeing what happens to any of us. I quit asking questions, because I realize they don’t get me anywhere. But in a good way- this thing is just constantly ch-ch-changing!
JOSEPH: The lines are blurred, as well. [Elena] hasn’t been a saint, either, and she’s made decisions that have pushed them… things like taking the dagger out of Elijah that are really kind of risky and puts them in jeopardy as well. So there’s so much gray area.
IAN: Every single character is doing what they need to do by protecting themselves.
JOSEPH: What they think is best.
IAN: And it always gets someone in trouble; I was joking with Joseph-he’s been in L.A. for a week, working, resting, and eating , and being healthy… and I said “You look good, man, you’ve gained a couple of pounds,” and he says “I know, dude. It’s the Vampire Diaries Syndrome.’ Because when you’re here, you’re so… manic. When we’re at work all day, it’s not like everyday drama… this is epic!
JOSEPH: Exactly- you lose weight, doing this! It’s not like you’re sitting around and today is a scene where we all have a cup of tea, you know what I mean? It’s “okay, I’m screaming today!” or “I’m vamping!” or “we’re fighting!”
IAN: It’s not Parks and Recreation.
JOSEPH: That it ain’t!
To nitpick a bit, when Elena confesses to Stefan about the Damon-Elena kiss, she specifically says “I kissed Damon”, and not what it actually was, which was Damon making the move.
IAN: She doesn’t even say ‘I kissed him back’… she was just being honest. I think that she just wanted to be honest, because no one in Mystic Falls is honest. There’s so much ‘whodunit’, and everyone’s got a hidden agenda. I just don’t think she wanted to do that.
JOSEPH (to Ian): You think she was trying to hurt him?
IAN: Probably, yeah, but she was also… Elena’s not even that manipulative, I think she was just trying to say “Look, this happened.” And also, [she wanted] to see what his reaction would be, which was… you know. (Ian makes a fart sound)
ZACH: I think Elena’s also just ready to be loved. She’s just so ready to be taken care of.