12 sneak peak 3.22 (SPOILER)

At a screening of this week’s gut-wrenching episode “Do Not Go Gentle,” which revolves around Mystic Falls’ 1920s dance, executive producer Julie Plec, along with cast members Steven R. McQueen, Candice Accola, Michael Trevino and Zach Roerig gave a roomful of reporters some insight into the madness.
Here are 12 teases for the final three episodes – and beyond – from the Vampire Diaries scooby doo gang:
1. Brotherly Compromise: In the episode airing next week, there is a sweet moment shared between Damon and Stefan, one that shows that though they may be in love with the same girl, “they might just survive this,” Plec teased. When Ian Somerhalder came into the The Hollywood Reporter offices recently, he revealed just what Plec was alluding to, saying that the Salvatore brothers decide that whoever Elena ultimately chooses will stay, while the other one will leave town.
2. Stefan Revisits His Emotions: There are several key Stefan and Elena scenes in tomorrow night’s episode, though one is broken up by one of Mystic Falls’ favorite “villains.” In any case, it’s a big step for the once-happy couple. “It’s finally him saying [to Elena], ‘It is OK to feel. I heard you all those times when you that. Now let me give that back to you’,” Plec said.
3. Caroline’s Multiple Suitors: If Caroline was in her current predicament (with Klaus and Tyler vying for her affections) in season one, she may have dealt with things far differently than she has. At the moment, Caroline – as it’s seen in Thursday’s episode – sticks with her gut and fends off Klaus’ advances at the dance, which ends up pissing off Tyler. “She is fighting like hell to have a normal relationship with her boyfriend in high school,” Accola said. Trevino added that Tyler just “might take some action” when it comes to Klaus in next week’s episode.
4. Simpler Times: The finale will feature a glimpse into Elena’s life in simpler times, when vampires weren’t in the picture. But there will be a small nugget revealed. “It’s a small little runner that goes throughout the episode as Elena is looking back at a part of her life when things were more simple, at least from a supernatural level,” Plec said, who was adamant in saying that the incident that killed her parents was “an accident.” “We actually will get a little flash of something else during that happened during that time that we didn’t really consider and it’s more an emotional thing than it is a suspense thing.”
5. On the Up and Up: Though Jeremy started the series on the wrong foot (drug issues and all), according to Plec, now that he’s back in Mystic Falls, “Jeremy is on the up.” So if there was any doubt or reason to believe he had ulterior motives with any developments (especially in regards to the Delena kiss), put them on the back burner – for now.
6. Damon’s New Drinking Buddy: Dr. Meredith Fell (Torrey DeVitto) could be sticking around past the third season, Plec said, even entertaining the fact that Meredith could become one of Damon’s new drinking buddies. Or perhaps more?
7. Rebekah’s New Ally?: When posed the question of whether Rebekah will find someone who will stick by her side, Plec was coy, bringing up the May 10 season finale as a possible indicator of more to come on that end.
8. Series Endgame Set: Plec revealed that she and executive producer Kevin Williamson set the series’ ending while writing the seventh episode of season two in an Atlanta mall. “We were tired and stressed and talked about the last character moments of the show and both started crying in the middle of the mall and just felt like that was right,” she recalled. Ideas as to what the lasting image could be?
9. Shift in the Gilbert Household: After “Do Not Go Gentle” plays out, there may be a change in the Gilbert house – and it’s a doozy. We won’t reveal just how said change happens, but someone else may have to step up in a very big way.
10. Safe for Now: With Jeremy back home, will the ring have the same impact on him as it does on Alaric? Maybe, but maybe not. “It definitely means that the stakes of death and resuscitation are possibly not as intense for Jeremy as they were for Alaric,” Plec said. “It might not come in the form of Jekyll and Hyde alter-ego.” The rings will “be in play for awhile,” she also hinted.
11. Heading Off to College?: Season four will “take us through the rest of their final year in high school,” Plec says. “They’re making decisions about their future … Do I stay or do I go?” Will there be a Mystic University that pops up? “No, there will not be a Mystic U, although how great,” Plec said. “Grams taught at a nearby university and Jenna was getting her masters degree so there’s something out there that we’ll be introducing and seeing in season four.”
12. Matt and Elena, Not so Perfect: The finale episode spotlights the imperfect relationship Matt and Elena shared. “We get a nice little flash of when they were dating, that they were themselves a troubled relationship,” Plec said. “Even though she’s remembering a simpler time, her problems were just as complicated.”