Datum: 2011-03-16 Tid: 16:40:30 Kategori: The Vampire Diaries
It not only remains to be seen how Isobel's return affects Elena, but also Elena's birth father, John. And more importantly, have these two buried the hatchet ... somewhere besides one another's backs? In their first episode back from a seven (argh!) week hiatus, 'The Vampire Diaries' wastes no time picking up the countless plot threads they left dangling off the edge of a cliff with their February 24 episode -- particularly the return of Elena's birth mother, Isobel!The remaining season two episodes will also see everyone band together in an attempt to save Elena from Klaus' vampiric clutches -- and as any true fan can attest, the Bonnie/Damon dynamic is second to none!It also remains to be seen what exactly Jonah passed to Bonnie in his dying moments -- sure, the witch returned her stripped powers, but I have a sneaking suspicion he also tucked a few other surprises inside of her beyond imparting the wisdom of how to kill an original. 'Vampire Diaries' returns on April 7 at 8pm on , click here for a preview!In this particular episode, Bonnie & Jeremy help Damon out as he needs to look back to look forward. And with Isobel & Katherine teaming up to wreak havoc in Mystic Falls, you have to wonder if everyone has properly learned from the mistakes of their past!
Det är de enda bilder som jag hittade. Jag vill se det avsnitt NU,NU! bilder innehåller lite spoiler för svenskt takt.
/ Nathalie

Kommentar av: London

Jag såg din kommentar om länkbyte och vill gärna göra det=)

2011-03-16 @ 20:12:22
Kommentar av: Johanna

ja verkligen så underbara är dom och Paul är ju så HET.....

2011-03-16 @ 21:53:34
Kommentar av: TheVampireDiariess

Jag vill att John ska lämna serien snart, han irriterar mig, går runt och hotar Damon, bad move...

2011-03-17 @ 16:26:18
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Kom ihåg mig

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