Spoilers till 3.10 "The New Deal"

Bonnie’s a VIP: Despite being absent for a while at the beginning of this season of The Vampire Diaries, Bonnie is the first person we see in this episode, mostly because she’s dreaming of the Originals’ coffins, without realizing what her dreams mean. But she soon gets involved in the entire situation and her witchy powers are once again called on.
Klaus is Back….With a Vengeance: Elena’s paranoid that Klaus hasn’t yet made a move since the Homecoming dance, but that soon comes to an end when the Original stops by for a drink at the Grill. He tells the duo that he’s looking for Stefan, but Elena tells him his problem lies with her old squeeze, not them. Oh yeah, and he’s also kind of concerned about his missing sister. But Klaus is done playing games and confronts Damon at the Salvatore house, telling him exactly how Stefan stole his family members andthat he wants Damon’s help in retrieving them. When Damon reminds Klaus that he doesn’t exist to do his bidding, Klaus decides “…a demonstration is in order. It seems you people respond best to displays of violence.” You should be concerned. Klaus is not fooling around.
Elena & Stefan Are Not Sitting in a Tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G: Elena is very, very angry with Stefan after the events of the previous episode. When Bonnie asks Elena about her wayward boyfriend, Elena resolutely declares that Stefan “betrayed us”. The two of them do interact in this episode, but will the outcome be what Stelena fans had hoped for? Elena also takes a few large and unexpected steps in this episode without consulting her allies.
Tyler’s Loyalties Are Questioned: When Jeremy gets huffy with his sister and Alaric for their concern, he decides to invite Tyler inside for dinner. Elena and Alaric are both extremely wary of Tyler and his motivations because he was sired by Klaus. They ask him to explain his connection to the Original, but aren’t pleased with his answers. After all, as Elena says, “Klaus has terrorized every one of us and you’re just blindly loyal to him”. “You’re over-thinking it. I can still make my own decisions”, Tyler shoots back, upset that they’re questioning his choices like Caroline did. Can you, though, Tyler? It will soon become clear whose side Tyler is on.