Julie Plec pratar om Tyler & Caroline och Bonnies mamma
Before this long horrible break we saw Tyler confess to Caroline that being a hybrid is WAYYY better because he doesn’t have to go through the pain of transforming into a werewolf every full moon and if him having some bond between him and Klaus is part of it then he will have to accept it! Really I can understand him not wanting to be a werewolf every month, I personally would not want to do that either! But Caroline couldn’t exactly see it from his eyes and broke all our hearts when she basically told him to go away.
Julie Dishes that Tyler and Caroline have a lot to overcome when the season continues in January.

“Tyler and Caroline have a lot to overcome,” Julie says. “Because Tyler, on his own, has a lot to overcome. It’s pretty bleak, right now, and it’s only going to start to get bleaker before it gets better. I loved what Tyler said to Caroline at the end of the last episode, which was ‘I can’t hate this, because it’s better. Because I don’t have to go through that pain. Because in a way, I feel free, so fight for me, and fight for us,’” Julie reminds us. “She doesn’t know if she can, so when we come back, he’s not happy with her. He’s not happy with anything. He’s got Klaus whispering in his ear saying ‘I need you to do this for me. You need to ‘serve your master,’” Julie explains. “Tyler is in a very, very bad situation that almost has catastrophic consequences. It’s going to take him a while to earn his way back into the good graces of our heroes, his friends, and Caroline.”
Julie also dishes a little bit about Abby Bennet, Bonnies’ Mom who has been bascially a figment of our imagination because all we know is that she hasn’t been in Bonnies’ life and other than that we know nothing about her except that she didn’t want anything to do with witchcraft.
So what can Julie Plec tell us? Here’s what she had to say about Bonnie and Bonnies so far missing Mother Abby Bennett.
“Bonnie gave herself over to the relationship with Jeremy and it ended badly,” Julie says. “She’s really been struggling. When we get back from the hiatus she gets pulled right back into the witch side of business. She’s been helping deal with hiding the coffins and all the other things that are going on, being the only witch in town. I can’t give away too much in terms of the catalyst that brings them together and in terms of the mythology,” Julie says. “But I’ll say that emotionally, Bonnie needs a touchstone that is disconnected from this vampire life. She finds that in the mother who, as we’ll learn, abandoned her a long, long time ago — and abandoned being a witch, too. There’s some great conflict there, and we’re just scratching the s