Caroline Forbes kommer att fira sin 18års dag på TVD
Datum: 2011-12-04 Tid: 11:43:50 Kategori: Spoilers, serien
EW har gav oss en ny spoiler om att Carolina ska fira sin 18års dag på Vampire Diaries!

Så här sa de:
Can you give me any scoop about Caroline on The Vampire Diaries? — Amy
Boy can I. It looks like Elena isn’t the only person who’ll be celebrating a birthday on-screen this year. Executive producer extraordinaire Julie Plec recently dished to EW about the second half of the season, which will find Caroline celebrating her 18th birthday — but there’s one small issue. She’s technically not aging anymore, leaving Caroline experiencing a bit of a “teenage life crisis.” “She says ‘I couldn’t wait to be 18. Seventeen is a filler year. I’m stuck in a filler year for the rest of eternity,’” says Plec. “She’s just starting to question what her life is gonna be as a vampire and kinda mourning the loss of her relationship with Tyler and feeling kind of unsettled and a little sad. And for Caroline to be sad, especially when there’s a party to be had, makes Elena and Matt and Bonnie realize they need to do something nice for her to kind of get her out of her funk, and they give her a very unconventional, untraditional birthday.” Fun, right? Erm… maybe not. “As things tend to happen in our show, things go terribly, terribly wrong,” Plec adds with a laugh.
